


Wood Smoke and Particulate Pollution

Particulate matter. Environmental Protection Agency.

Indoor air pollution from residential stoves: Examining the flooding of particulate matter into homes during real-world use. 2020. Chakraborty R, Heydon J, Mayfield M, Mihaylova L. Atmosphere. 11(12):1326.

Fine particulate matter source apportionment following a large woodstove changeout program in Libby, Montana. 2010. Ward T, Palmer CP, Noonan CW. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association.60: 688–93.

The impact of wood smoke on ambient PM2.5 in northern Rocky Mountain valley communities. 2010. Ward T, Lange T. Environmental Pollution. 158:723–9.

Size-resolved organic speciation of wintertime aerosols in California’s Central Valley. 2010. Cahill TM. Environmental Science Technologies 1:44:2315–21.

Intake fraction of urban wood smoke. 2009. Ries FJ, Marshall JD, Brauer M. Environmental Science and Technology. 43:4701–6.

Particulate air pollution and health effects for cardiovascular and respiratory causes in Temuco, Chile: a wood-smoke-polluted urban area. 2009. Sanhueza PA, Torreblanca MA, Diaz-Robles LA, Schiappacasse LN, Silva MP, Astete TD. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association. 59:1481–8.

Results of a residential indoor PM2.5 sampling program before and after a woodstove changeout. 2008. Ward T, Palmer C, Bergauff M, Hooper K, Noonan C. Indoor Air Journal. 18:408-15.

Wood smoke contribution to winter aerosol in Fresno, CA. 2006. Gorin CA, Collett JL Jr., Herckes P. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association. 56:1584–90.

Long-term performance of EPA-certified phase 2 woodstoves, Klamath Falls and Portland Oregon: 1998-1999. 2000. National Risk Management Research Laboratory
Research (Triangle Park, NC) for the EPA Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards.

Health Effects of Wood Smoke Pollution (general)

Wood-burning stoves raise new health concerns. 2022. Kruzman D. Undark.

Residential wood heating: An overview of U.S. impacts and regulations. 2022. Marin A, Rector L, Morin B, Allen G. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association. (72)7:619–628. 

Health impacts of PM2.5 originating from residential wood combustion in four nordic cities. 2022. Orru H, Olstrup H, Kukkonen J, López-Aparicio S, et al. BMC Public Health. 22(1):1286.

The effects on mortality and the associated financial costs of wood heater pollution in a regional Australian city. 2021. Robinson DL, Horsley JA, Johnston FH, Morgan GG. Medical Journal of Australia. 215(6):269-272.

Wood heaters: the cosy killers. 2020. Phair R. VicDoc (magazine of the Australian Medical Association, Victoria).

Association between air pollution from residential wood burning and dementia incidence in a longitudinal study in northern Sweden. 2018. Oudin A, Segersson D, Adolfsson R, Forsberg B. PLoS ONE. 13(6):e0198283.

Wood smoke wafts up health concerns. 2011. Katz, C. Scientific American.

Small things make a big difference: particulate matter and exercise. 2012. Cutrufello PT, Smoliga JM, Rundell KW. Sports Medicine. 42:1041-58.

Wood smoke and your health. Brochure. Washington State Department of Ecology.

Expression of adhesion molecules, monocyte interactions and oxidative stress in human endothelial cells exposed to wood smoke and diesel exhaust particulate matter. 2012. Forchhammer L, Loft S, Roursgaard M, Cao Y, Riddervold IS, Sigsgaard T, Møller P. Toxicology Letters. 209:121-8.

A case report of cor pulmonale in a woman without exposure to tobacco smoke: an example of the risks of indoor wood burning. 2008. Opotowsky AR, Vedanthan R, Mamlin JJ. The Medscape Journal of Medicine. 10:22.

Woodsmoke health effects: a review. 2007. Naeher LP, Brauer M, Lipsett M, Zelikoff JT, Simpson CD, Koenig JQ, Smith KR. Inhalation Toxicology. 19:67–106.

Experimental exposure to wood-smoke particles in healthy humans: effects on markers of inflammation, coagulation, and lipid peroxidation. 2006. Barregard L, Sällsten G, Gustafson P, Andersson L, Johansson L, Basu S, Stigendal L. Inhalation Toxicology. 18:845–53.

Adverse health effects from ambient air pollution in relation to residential wood combustion in modern society. 2003. Boman BC, Forsber AB, Järvholm BG. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment, and Health 29:251–60.

The toxicology of inhaled woodsmoke. 2002. Zelikoff JT, Chen LC, Cohen MD, Schlesinger RB. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health Critical. Part B, Critical Reviews 5:269–282.

Health Effects of Wood Smoke Pollution on the Lungs

Indoor wood-burning from stoves and fireplaces and incident lung cancer among Sister Study participants. 2023. Mehta SS, Hodgson ME, Lunn RM, Ashley CE, Arroyave WD, Sandler DP, White AJ. Environment International. 178:108128.

Wood smoke exposure affects lung aging, quality of life, and all-cause mortality in New Mexican smokers. 2022. Leng S, Picchi MA, Meek PM, et al. Respiratory Research. 23:236.

Where there’s smoke, there’s respiratory risk. 2015. Wanniarachige D. Canadian Medical Association Journal. 187(3):E93-E94.

Lung cancer risk from PAHs emitted from biomass combustion. 2015. Sarigiannis D, Karakitsios S, Zikopoulos D, Nikolaki S, Kermenidou M. Environmental Research. 137:147–156.

Associations of ambient air pollution with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease hospitalization and mortality. 2013. Gan WQ, FitzGerald JM, Carlsten C, Sadatsafavi M, Brauer M. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 187:721-7.

Clinical and pathological characteristics, outcome and mutational profiles regarding non-small-cell lung cancer related to wood-smoke exposure.2012. Arrieta O, Campos-Parra AD, Zuloaga C, Avilés A, Sánchez-Reyes R, Manríquez ME, Covián-Molina E, Martínez-Barrera L, Meneses A, Cardona A, Borbolla-Escoboza JR. Journal of Thoracic Oncology. 7:1228-34.

Differences in plasma MMPs and TIMPs protein expression and chemotherapy response in patients with tobacco- or wood-smoke-induced lung cancer. 2013. Gonzalez-Avila G, Delgado J, Mendoza-Posada DA, Sommer B, Ramos C, Aquino-Galvez A, Camacho C. Respiration. 85:281-8.

Emerging mechanistic targets in lung injury induced by combustion-generated particles. 2013. Fariss MW, Gilmour MI, Reilly CA, Liedtke W, Ghio AJ. Toxicology Science. 132:253-67.

Ambient wood smoke, traffic pollution and adult asthma prevalence and severity. 2013. Bui D, Burgess J, Matheson M, Erbas B, Perret J, Morrison S, Giles G, Hopper J, Thomas P, Markos J, Abramson M, Walters EH, Dharmage S. Respirology.

Adverse effects of wood smoke PM(2.5) exposure on macrophage functions. 2013. Migliaccio CT, Kobos E, King QO, Porter V, Jessop F, Ward T. Inhalation Toxicology. 25:67-76.

An air filter intervention study of endothelial function among healthy adults in a woodmoke-impacted community. 2011. Allen RW, Carlsten C, Karlen B, Leckie S, van Eeden S, Vedal S, Wong I, Brauer M. The American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 183:1222-30.

Malondialdehyde and superoxide dismutase correlate with FEV(1) in patients with COPD associated with wood smoke exposure and tobacco smoking. 2010. Montaño M, Cisneros1 J, Ramírez-Venegas A, Pedraza-Chaverri J, Mercado D, Ramos C, Sansores RH. Inhalation Toxicology. 22:868-74.

Wood smoke exposure and gene promoter methylation are associated with increased risk for COPD in smokers. 2010. Sood A, Petersen H, Blanchette CM, Meek P, Picchi MA, Belinsky SA, Tesfaigzi Y. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine.

COPD and chronic bronchitis risk of indoor air pollution from solid fuel: a systematic review and meta-analysis. 2010. Kurmi OP, Semple S, Simkhada P, Smith WC, Ayres JG. Thorax. 65:221–228.

Wood smoke-associated lung disease: a clinical, functional, radiological and pathological description. 2008. Moran-Mendoza O, Perez-Padilla JR, Salazar-Flores M, Vazquez-Alfaro F. The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease. 12:1092–8.

Endothelial dysfunction: associations with exposure to ambient fine particles in diabetic individuals. 2008. Schneider A, Neas L, Herbst MC, Case M, Williams RW, Cascio W, Hinderliter A, Holguin F, Buse JB, Dungan K, Styner M, Peters A, Devlin RB. Environmental Health Perspectives 116:1666–74.

Wood smoke exposure and risk of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. 2006. Orozco-Levi M, Garcia-Aymerich J, Villar J, Ramírez-Sarmiento A, Antó JM, Gea J. European Respiratory Journal. 27:542–6.

Shedding new light on wood smoke: a risk factor for respiratory health. 2006. Boman BC, Forsberg B, SandströmT. European Respiratory Journal 27:446–447.

Lung cancer pathogenesis associated with wood smoke exposure. 2005. Delgado J, Martinez LM, Sánchez TT, Ramirez A, Iturria C, González-Avila G. Chest.128:124–31.

Wood smoke inhalation causes alveolar instability in a dose-dependent fashion. 2005. Steinberg JM, Schiller HJ, Tsvaygenbaum B, Mahoney GK, DiRocco JD, Gatto LA, Nieman GF. Respiratory Care. 50:1062–70.

Exposure assessment of particulate matter for susceptible populations in Seattle. 2003. Liu LJ, Box M, Kalman D, Kaufman J, Koenig J, Larson T, Lumley T, Sheppard L, Wallace L. 2003. Environmental Health Perspectives. 111:909–18.

Lung cancer, cardiopulmonary mortality, and long-term exposure to fine particulate air pollution. 2002. Pope CA, Burnett RT, Thun MJ, Calle EE, Krewski D, Ito K, Thurston GD. Journal of the American Medical Association 287:1132–1141.

Air pollution and emergency room visits for asthma in Santa Clara County, California. 1997. Lipsett M, Hurley S, Ostro B. Environmental Health Perspectives 105: 216–22.

Wood Smoke and Heart Attacks

Biomass burning as a source of ambient fine particulate air pollution and acute myocardial infarction. 2017. Weichenthal S, Kulka R, Lavigne E, van Rijswijk D, Brauer M, Villeneuve PJ, Stieb D, Joseph L, Burnett RT. Epidemiology. 28(3):329-337.

Exposure to wood smoke increases arterial stiffness and decreases heart rate variability in humans. 2013. Unosson J, Blomberg A, Sandström T, Muala A, Boman C, Nyström R, Westerholm R, Mills NL, Newby DE, Langrish JP, Bosson JA. Particle and Fibre Toxicology. 10:20.

Particulate matter air pollution and cardiovascular disease: An update to the scientific statement from the American Heart Association. 2010. Brook RD, Rajagopalan S, Pope CA 3rd, Brook JR, Bhatnagar A, Diez-Roux AV, Holguin F, Hong Y, Luepker RV, Mittleman MA, Peters A, Siscovick D, Smith SC Jr, Whitsel L, Kaufman JD; American Heart Association Council on Epidemiology and Prevention, Council on the Kidney in Cardiovascular Disease, and Council on Nutrition, Physical Activity and Metabolism. Circulation. 121:2331-78. or

Cardiovascular mortality and long-term exposure to particulate air pollution. Epidemiological evidence of general pathophysiological pathways of disease. 2004. Pope CA 3rd, Burnett RT, Thurston GD, Thun MJ, Calle EE, Krewski D, Godleski JJ. Circulation. 9:71-7.

Acute respiratory effects of particulate air pollution. 1994. Dockery DW, Pope CA. Annual Review of Public Health. 15:107-32.

Air pollution and cardiovascular disease: A statement for healthcare professionals from the expert panel on population and prevention science of the American Heart Association. 2004. Brook RD, Franklin B, Cascio W, Hong Y, Howard G, Lipsett M, Luepker R, Mittleman M, Samet J, Smith SC Jr, Tager I. Circulation. 109:2655-71.

Long-term exposure to air pollution and incidence of cardiovascular events in women. 2007. Miller KA, Siscovick DS, Sheppard L, Shepherd K, Sullivan JH, Anderson GL, Kaufman JD. New England Journal of Medicine. 356:447-58. 

Effects of Wood Smoke Pollution on Children

Prenatal exposure to locally emitted air pollutants is associated with birth weight: an administrative cohort study from southern Sweden. 2022. Balidemaj F, Flanagan E, Malmqvist E, Rittner R, Källén K, Åström DO, Oudin A. Toxics. 10(7):366.

Maternal exposure to ambient black carbon particles and their presence in maternal and fetal circulation and organs: an analysis of two independent population-based observational studies. 2022. Bongaerts E, Lecante L, Bové H, Roeffaers MBJ, Ameloot M, Fowler PA, Nawrot TS. The Lancet Planetary Health. 6:e804–11.

Air pollution and retinal vessel diameter and blood pressure in school-aged children in a region impacted by residential biomass burning. 2021. Korsiak J, Perepeluk KL, Peterson NG, Kulka R, Weichenthal S. Scientific Reports. 11:12790

Assessment of maternal glycemia and newborn size among pregnant women who use wood stoves in northern New England. 2020. Fleisch AF, Seshasayee SM, Garshick E, Chipman JW, et al. JAMA Network Open. 3(5):e206046.

Emergency department visits of young children and long-term exposure to neighbourhood smoke from household heating—The Growing up in New Zealand Child Cohort Study. 2017. Lai HK, Berry SD, Verbiest MEA, Tricker PJ, Atatoa Carr PE, et al. Environmental Pollution. 231(1):533–540.

Neurodevelopmental performance among school age children in rural Guatemala is associated with prenatal and postnatal exposure to carbon monoxide, a marker for exposure to woodsmoke. 2012. Dix-Cooper L, Eskenazi B, Romero C, Balmes J, Smith KR. 2012. Neurotoxicology. 33:246-54.

Residential air pollution and otitis media during the first two years of life. 2011. MacIntyre EA, Karr CJ, Koehoorn M, Demers PA, Tamburic L, Lencar C, Brauer M. Epidemiology. 22:81-9.

Effect of early life exposure to air pollution on development of childhood asthma. 2010. Clark NA, Demers PA, Karr CJ, Koehoorn M, Lencar C, Tamburic L, Brauer M. Environmental Health Perspectives. 118:284–90.

Influence of ambient air pollutant sources on clinical encounters for infant bronchiolitis. 2009. Karr CJ, Demers PA, Koehoorn MW, Lencar CC, Tamburic L, Brauer M. American Journal of Respiratory Critical Care Medicine. 180:995–1001.

The effects of fine particle components on respiratory hospital admissions in children. 2009. Ostro B, Roth L, Malig B, Marty M. Environmental Health Perspectives. 117:475–80.

Changes in lung function and airway inflammation among asthmatic children residing in a woodsmoke-impacted urban area. 2008. Allen RW, Mar T, Koenig J, Liu LJ, Gould T, Simpson C, Larson T. Inhalation Toxicology. 20:423–56.

Fine particles, a major threat to children. 2007. Heinrich J, Slama R. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health. 210:617-22.

Childhood asthma and indoor woodsmoke from cooking in Guatemala. 2004. Schei MA, Hessen JO, Smith KR, Bruce N, McCracken J, Lopez V. Journal of Exposure Analysis and Environmental Epidemiology. 14 Suppl 1:S110-7.

Early-life environmental risk factors for asthma: findings from the Children’s Health Study. 2004. Salam MT, Li YF, Langholz B, Gilliland FD. Environmental Health Perspectives. 112:760–5.

Maternal exposure to biomass smoke and reduced birth weight in zimbabwe. 2004. Mishra V, Dai X, Smith KR, Mika L. Annals of Epidemiology. 14:740–7.

Asthma in exercising children exposed to ozone: a cohort study. 2002. McConnell R, Berhane K, Gilliland F, London SJ, Islam T, Gauderman WJ, Avol E, Margolis HG, Peters JM. Lancet. 359:386–391.

The effects of ambient air pollution on school absenteeism due to respiratory illnesses. 2001. Gilliland FD, Berhane K, Rappaport EB, Thomas DC, Avol E, Gauderman WJ, London SJ, Margolis HG, McConnell R, Islam KT, Peters JM. Epidemiology. 12:43–54.

Decline of ambient air pollution and respiratory symptoms in children. 2000. Heinrich J, Hoelscher B, Wichmann HE. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 161:1930–6.

Wood smoke: emissions and noncancer respiratory effects. 1994. Larson TV, Koenig, JQ. Annual Review of Public Health 15:133–56.

Wood-burning stoves and lower respiratory tract infection in American Indian children. 1990. Morris K, Morgenlander M, Coulehan JL, Gahagen S, Arena VC. American Journal of Diseases of Children. 144:105–8.

Toxins in Woodsmoke

Arsenic in hair as a marker of exposure to smoke from the burning of treated wood in domestic wood burners. 2020. Dirks KN, Chester A, Salmond JA, Talbot N, Thornley S, Davy P. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 17(11):3944.

Particulate hydroxy-PAH emissions from a residential wood log stove using different fuels and burning conditions. 2016. Avagyan R, Nyström Lindgren R, Boman C, Westerholm R. Atmospheric Environment. 140:1–9.

Particulate PAH emissions from residential biomass combustion: time-resolved analysis with aerosol mass spectrometry. 2014. Eriksson A, Nordin E, Nyström R, Pettersson E, Swietlicki E, et al. Environmental Science and Technology. 48(12):7143.

Toxins in wood smoke. 2013. New South Wales Environmental Protection Agency.

Particle-phase concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in ambient air of rural residential areas in southern Germany. 2010. Bari MA, Baumbach G, Kuch B, Scheffknecht G. Air Quality and Atmospheric Health. 3:103-116.

Oxidative damage to DNA and repair induced by Norwegian wood smoke particles in human A549 and THP-1 cell lines. 2009. Danielsen PH, Loft S, Kocbach Bølling A, Schwarze PE, Møller P. Mutation Research/Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis. 674:116–122.

Indoor levels of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in homes with or without wood burning for heating. 2008. Gustafson P, Östman C, Sällsten G. Environmental Science and Technology. 42(14):5074–5080.

The impact of domestic wood burning on personal, indoor and outdoor levels of 1,3- butadiene, benzene, formaldehyde and acetaldehyde. 2007. Gustafson P, Barregard L, Strandberg B, and Sallsten G. Journal of Environmental Monitoring. 9:23–32.

Dioxins and woodsmoke in Australian cities. 2005. Gras J, Müller J, Symons R, Burniston D,  Mobbs C, Ivory A. Clean Air Society of Australia and New Zealand.

Wood smoke: Emissions and noncancer respiratory effects. 1994. Larson TV, Koenig JQ. Annual Review of Public Health. 15:133-156.

Dioxin levels in wood combustion—a review. 2004. Lavric ED, Konnov AA, De Ruyck JD. Biomass and Bioenergy. 26:115-145.

Fine particle and gaseous emission rates from residential wood combustion. 2000. McDonald JD, Zielinska B, Fujita EM, Sagebiel JC, Chow JC, Watson JG. Environmental Science Technology. 34:2080-2091.

Climate Impacts of
Wood Smoke Pollution

Substantial brown carbon emissions from wintertime residential wood burning over France. 2020. Zhang Y, Albinet A, Petit JE, Jacob V, Chevrier F, Gille G, Pontet S, Chrétien E, Dominik-Sègue M, Levigoureux G, Močnik G, Gros V, Jaffrezo JL, Favez O. Science of the Total Environment. 743:140752

Near-term climate impacts of Finnish residential wood combustion. 2019. Savolahti M, Karvosenoja N, Soimakallio S, Kupiainen K, Tissari J, Paunu VV. Energy Policy. 133:110837.

Bounding the role of black carbon in the climate system: A scientific assessment. 2013. TC Bond et al. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 118:5380-552.

A 2.5 year’s source apportionment study of black carbon from wood burning and fossil fuel combustion at urban and rural sites in Switzerland. 2011. Herich H, Hueglin C, Buchmann B. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques. 4:1409–1420.

Short-term effects of controlling fossil-fuel soot, biofuel soot and gases, and methane on climate, Arctic ice, and air pollution health. 2010. Jacobson, MZ. Journal of Geophysical Research. 115:D14209.

Public health benefits of strategies to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions: health implications of short-lived greenhouse pollutants. 2009. Smith KR, Jerrett M, Anderson HR, Burnett RT, Stone V, Derwent R, Atkinson RW, Cohen A, Shonkoff SB, Krewski D, Pope CA 3rd, Thun MJ, Thurston G. Lancet. 374: 2035–8.

Subcontinental smut: Is soot the culprit behind melting himalayan glaciers? 2009. Castelvecchi D. Scientific American.

Certified Wood Stoves

Assessment of EPA’s residential wood heater certification program. 2021. Ahmadi M, Marin A, Morin B, Raymond K, Rector L. Northeast States for Coordinated Air Use Management (NESCAUM).

The EPA’s residential wood heater program does not provide reasonable assurance that heaters are properly tested and certified before reaching consumers. 2023. Office of Inspector General, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.